Communications Module - Statement & Overdue Reminders

Communications Modules for Apxium Collect and Client POS Non-Integrated Systems

Statement Email

This is usually the first reminder email that the system sends to the client.

  • is sent the day after the invoice goes overdue. By default, this is based on the due date of the invoice. Hence, if you run 14-day terms, then the Statement is sent out on the 15th day.
  • Timings can be adjusted.
  • Lists all outstanding invoices
  • Hyperlink takes clients to their own personal dashboards.

Overdue Reminder Notice Email

  • Sent out at regular intervals based on the interval you request.
  • The reminders are sent until the invoice is paid.
  • Can have SMS
  • Hyperlink takes clients to their own personal dashboard 
  • Overdue Reminder Notice has to be set to the same number of days as all following reminders, hence it cannot be set to 14 days and then 7 days as an example.


If there's a need to change the communication settings or rules for sending Statements & Reminders, please contact Apxium Support.


Related Articles:

How Apxium Communications Work

Communication Modules - Invoice Email

Communications Data Integrity

Communications Sending Schedule