Communications Sending Schedule

Email Communications

Sending emails generally starts at 12MN. 

Our overnight processor has to work through a huge amount of data and all the emails are processed as the main processor runs at night. We send a huge number of emails nightly and unfortunately we cannot change the emailing times at this stage.

The only real way to manage this for any clients asking about the sending schedule is to explain that your service provider is not able to change this or to suspend all their notifications.

Adjusting the invoice and reminder email delivery schedule

We do have the capability to delay the sending of debtor emails until later in the day, but this applies only to invoices and reminder emails. Currently, they can be scheduled to go out at around 10 a.m. NSW/VIC/TAS time.

Please note that any invoices generated and synced to Apxium prior to this new email schedule will still be sent on the same day, rather than overnight or the following day, as we run a second process specifically for sending email communications.

However, APX Autos, instalments, and scheduled payments will continue to be processed and emailed during the overnight run, as these cannot be reconfigured to send at a different time. This means that payment receipts and related communications for automated payments will still be sent overnight.

You can view the email timings directly on your dashboard by navigating to Admin > Sent Emails.

Please contact Apxium Support to know if this works for you and we will work with our IT to configure this.

SMS Communications [Available in Australia region only]

SMS messages are sent to your clients between 1-2 PM AEST on a daily basis. The system does not send any SMS after midnight. Only emails. If a client reached out  about receiving text/SMS after midnight, most likely they receive email, not SMS.

SMSs can be sent for Invoices, Statements, or Overdue Reminders.

The system cannot set different timing rules for SMS alone. SMSs are specific to each communication.  The system does not send an SMS on a specific date/schedule nor set to send specific timing for each client. 

Notification timing on the Emails or SMS page
The timing of notifications sent to clients is based on the user’s local computer time.