Importing XPM Data into Audit Safe Dashboard

Below are the instructions on how to import your XPM data [Xero Green] into your Audit Safe dashboard.

This would be the same process after we roll over your data for the new year's term and you would like to add new clients on your dashboard.

You are, however, able to upload new XPM data as many times as needed and all new data will be imported into the Data Extracted from Xero page.


1. Export the full data from XPM by logging into your XPM > Business > Subscriptions > Export Tab > Export.

Note: If you require further assistance on how to export your XPM data, please contact Xero Support. 

2. On the left-side column of your Audit Safe dashboard, click the "Upload Data From Xero Green" button and select the XPM file from your machine. 

3. Once uploaded, the data should populate on your "Data Extracted from Xero" page.


If you are importing new XPM data into an existing dashboard, please note that any existing offers created, submitted or sent to the client will not be affected.


Here's a sample video for your reference.


If you already have an existing dashboard or have recently rolled over your dashboard and would like to bulk update the client information/groupings i.e. client email addresses or partner information, you are able to do so by following the instructions here.