Contact Information from XPM to Xero Blue

Apxium Collect system integrates with Xero Blue. 

If you are using XPM (Xero Green) for managing client information, jobs etc and data is being transmitted to Xero Blue, Apxium will still get all client contact information from Xero Blue. 


This also applies to Cimplico Users. The system picks up the contact information from the Group file.

Contact Information from XPM

Email Address - Any email address transmitted to the Xero Blue Email contact field will be picked up by Apxium

Mobile Number - It appears that XPM does not have a separate mobile field in the Clients Profile - Contact Details section. However, we receive feedback from our other Xero merchants that when a mobile number is entered in the Phone Number section, it also reflects in the client's contact details phone number field in Xero Blue.


Contact Details page in XPM


Contact Details page in Xero Blue


This is where Apxium picks up the contact details from Xero Blue. See more information about Communications Data Integrity - Xero Blue.