Xero Token Access Request for Collect Cimplico Users

Apxium authorisation process for test environment

1) Copy the provided Apxium URL.


2) Enter username and password provided.

3) Once logged in you will see your company logo.

On your dashboard, go to Admin > Xero Connection > Click "here" to authorise Apxium to access your Xero instance.


NOTE: Please authorise the Cimplico Group Xero merchant first. You will be redirected back here and then you can authorise the Cimplico Sattelite Xero merchant by following the link above a second time.

Xero-Cimplico Connection (2)


4) This will open Xero to a new tab.

5) Enter your Xero log-on details.

Screenshot 2023-07-19 102342

6) Click on “Allow Access” as per below. 

allow access

7) Important: Please grant access to the Group entity first

7.1 Select from the Organisation drop-down menu the Group and tokenise the group.
7.2 Note that the group must be always tokenised first

apxiumwantstoaccessOnce the Group entity has been tokenised, your browser will take you back to your previous
Apxium screen.

8) Next, you can grant token access to the satellite corresponding to the required entity

Go back to xero connection page and repeat for the steps in granting the satellite

Xero-Cimplico Connection (2)

9) Select from the Organisation drop-down menu the required satellite entity and
tokenise the satellite

Note: Please ensure you are tokenising the correct satellite entity for the Apxium
Collect dashboard in question

apxiumwantstoaccess10) Once token access is granted to the Satellite, your browser will take you back to your
previous Apxium screen. You can now close your browser.

11) Please inform Apxium when access has been granted and we will populate your
dashboard with your current invoices (Collect)/data (Audit Safe). Please note that the
environment will be benign, and it is not possible to effect any changes in Xero via the above

12) We will notify you once the test environment is populated with your data.

13) Once notified, please log into the URL provided in the initial email with the username
and password provided.

14) Your data will be ready for you to view and manipulate in the Apxium dashboard.
Please feel free to fully experiment within the sandbox as your actions will not be reflected in
your production Xero environment.