Sandbox Implementation Process for both MYOB and Xero

An overview of the Sandbox workflow for both server based and Xero merchant

Overview of the Sandbox workflow for server based merchant 


  • Request for Sandbox Information - Someone from the Onboarding team will contact you and ask to provide information that we can use to build the sandbox. We would normally ask you of the following : 
  • Merchant Config Creation - Once the sandbox information has been received, we will then create your Apxium DNS. This would normally be based on your website domain, followed by Here's an example : 

    After the DNS has been created, we would then continue to create your merchant configuration using the information that you provided and deploy it to our local database. 
  • Installation of Apxium uploader/Utility sync - After the merchant configuration has been deployed, our Database Administrators will organize a remote session with your IT. Our Database Admins would then perform database analysis and upload data into your dashboard in Eric (Sandbox server).  
  • Data population and finalizing sandbox server - We will now create users and provide the username and password. We will also run the main processor in Eric cmadmin and enable engagements as well as APX auto invoice
  • Providing Sandbox to merchant - Once everything is set, we will send you an email that will contain the sandbox instructions, your URL as well as username and passwords.  You will also receive instructions on how to use the dummy payment details. 

Important Information:

  • We only access information to do with the debtor such as debtor name, family group, contact information (email address and mobile number), invoices/payment history. Nothing else.

  • The system will only bring in outstanding invoices issued within the last 18 months.

  • Any changes made during the sandbox stage such as making payments, instalment offers, notes, Virtual POS, etc will be removed once deployed to production.

  • Before going live, the merchant will be asked to disable the communications of those debtors they don’t wish to be communicated on the first day of launch. These debtors with disabled communications will flow through to the merchant live dashboard once deployed to production.

  • Therefore, only the live data from their accounting package and disabled communications will flow through to their accounting package.


  • Generally, the sandbox server is available for review for a month. However, we can always extend that if you need more time to explore the system. Any changes you make on this sandbox will not interfere with your processes in MYOB.


Overview of Sandbox workflow for Xero merchant


  • Request for Sandbox information - Someone from the Onboarding team will contact you and ask to provide information that we can use to build the sandbox. We would normally ask you of the following : 

  • Merchant Config Creation - Once the sandbox information has been received, we will then create your Apxium DNS. This would normally be based on your website domain, followed by Here's an example : 

  • Xero Token Access Authorization - Username and password for Apxium will be created this time. You will also receive an email instructions on how to grant Xero token access. 
  • Data population and finalizing sandbox server - We will now create users and provide the username and password. We will also run the main processor in Eric cmadmin and enable engagements as well as APX auto invoice
  • Providing Sandbox to merchant - Once everything is set, we will send you an email that will contain the sandbox instructions, your URL as well as username and passwords.  You will also receive instructions on how to use the dummy payment details. 

Important Information:

  • The only information that we source from the merchant’s accounting system is the debtor name, outstanding invoices, debtor’s email address, and mobile number. Nothing else.

  • Any changes made during the sandbox stage such as making payments, instalment offers, notes, Virtual POS, etc will be removed once deployed to production.

  • Before going live, the merchant will be asked to disable the communications of those debtors they don’t wish to be communicated on the first day of launch. These debtors with disabled communications will flow through to the merchant live dashboard once deployed to production.

  • Therefore, only the live data from their accounting package and disabled communications will flow through to their accounting package.


  • Generally, the sandbox server is available for review for a month, however we can always extend that if you need more time to explore the system. Any changes you make on this sandbox will not interfere with your processes in Xero.