Rolling Over your Non-Integrated Audit Safe Dashboard

When you are near your anniversary date, we will send you a notice thru email asking you about renewing the service. All you have to do is let us know if you wish to proceed with the rollover then we will process it on our end.

When you need to add a new client, you may use the "Create Button" in the Apxium Dashboard. If you still have the same client base, the data will be moved to Being Edited when we do the rollover. You can then update the email address as you create the offer.

Note that if we upload a new CSV file, the data will be wiped out.

If there's a need to update the new client base and remove old clients - you need to send a new CSV file using the template, then activities from the past year will be moved to Submitted and the new file will be added to Being Edited.


Here is the CSV template for your reference. 

Example CSV for Audit Safe - Non-Integrated Firms

Notes on CSV Data