Invoices Menu

This page shows you all the outstanding invoices (by default) with a link to switch to all invoices.  You can view and search specific invoices and any relevant information such as the invoice date, due date, status, amount, etc. 

You can also see the last debtor note properties such as created by, created date and review date.

Select from the Columns menu on the right to show you all the data you wish to see. 

Click the Filter Bar menu to customise your view and sort according to your preference.


New Invoice View Menu

You can also save and reset the custom layout if you wish.

Please note that when you save your custom layout, it will be automatically loaded whenever you go back to that screen. Importantly, the saving function works at the level of your browser and not your login account. Hence, the layout is saved in the particular browser you are using and if you use a different browser the layout will not be available, but rather you would need to save it again for the new browser.