Instructions on how to fill out the Till MID Application Form


Note: For Australia Merchants only:


Note: For Australia Merchants only:
You should receive an email from to access the MID facility application form.
Click Get Started NOW!

1. Welcome Page

Click "Save and Continue" to proceed with the application

2. First, let's get to know you 

Some sections are already pre-filled for you. Please check and fill out the other required
fields about your business.

3.  Next, let's go to your business

We generally suggest keying in an approximate number.

If no refund policy, that is fine.


4. Build your Till payment ecosystem

  • If you wish to offer AMEX as a payment option, tick AMEX and enter your Amex ID

Please reach out to your Apxium Onboarding Specialist to provide your Amex Rate.

  • Review the fees. Should you have any questions, please reach out to your Onboarding Specialist.


5. What are your banking details

Please provide the bank information for the account that you wish to settle.

5. Submit Application

Once you reviewed and you are happy with the information you provided, please click Agree and Continue

Once you have completed the online form, the KYC team will contact you and start processing the application.

They would also ask you to provide the following documents for the KYC process.

  • An ID

  • Proof of bank

  • And then relevant company documents such as a trust deed etc.  

Please refer to more information on this page:  Till MID Facility - Guide to a Successful Merchant Application
