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  2. Apxium Collect
  3. Payments, Settlements & Reconciliations

Description on Client's Bank Statement

What payment reference/description will reflect on the client’s bank statement? 

Till Payments

  • All Credit Card transactions should reflect the business name i.e. ‘Onebox Holdings’ on the data feed and your client’s bank statements

CBA IMA/Bpoint Credit Card Merchant Facility

The description will be the name of the entity submitted during the merchant facility application

PAYRIX (United States)
The description will be the name of the merchant. E.g., US PY <your firm’s trading name>.

Direct Debit Transactions

  • Please note that the Direct Debit transactions are directly taken from our DDR facility. We can't stop Onebox Holdings from showing up as the bank has to show the APCA name associated with the facility. However, we get to send a short (16 characters) lodgement reference (which the debtor sees as well) and that defaults to the first 16 characters of your firm’s trading name. So even though Onebox Holdings is showing, “Company name”  will also show on the debtor's bank statement (It will also show in Xero if you click the ‘More details’).

SOR transactions are receipted on the client bank statement as “Onebox Holdings Pty Ltd”. This also appears on the confirmation of payment authority that they will receive.