Communications Data Integrity STAR and CCH

Where does Apxium extract the client's contact details for sending out communications?

This varies on the integrated accounting system your firm is using. Please refer below to where we pick up the information. 



All communications data are taken from STAR.

The debtor's name is taken from the Search Name field.

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We will email communications to any and all contacts in the contact details section.  Therefore:

  • Ensure where possible all clients have emails in STAR
  • First and Last name in STAR if you wish the emails to be addressed personally to your clients otherwise emails are addressed as Dear Sir/Madam.

The client may request to change the email address extraction in STAR if they wish. 

This is where the email address sits in CCH : 

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Offers/emails may be  sent out to clients that has their email addresses listed on the addresses tab under phone and other details. 

Once an email address has been updated, it would link up to the main tab. 

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