Unsent Invoice
This filter menu displays all current outstanding invoices that have been imported into Apxium and are awaiting to be sent on the next email-sending schedule.
This will also allow you to attach a PDF document to any current invoice (not overdue) imported into your Apxium dashboard as long as the invoice has not been sent to the client by the system. As invoices are sent during the night with the main processor run, you can attach the PDF before then as long as the invoice has been picked up by our hourly synchronisation.
On your dashboard, left-click on any debtor you wish to add a PDF document to and select "Attached PDF to Invoice".
You may attach multiple PDF documents as needed without a file size limit.
You are able to see all the unsent invoices by going to Filters> tick Unsent Invoice
Note: If there is no email address on file when the invoice is rendered into the Apxium dashboard or the communications are disabled previously, you may still attach so as long as the invoice is still in current status.