Apxium Customizations

A list of customizations for the Apxium dashboard

Apxium Dashboard


Configurable item


Default Setting



Partners/Account Managers filter

Apxium Dashboard

Set as Partners

You can customize the filter functions to include more offices or account managers.

UK and North America 

Debtor Filters Menu

Apxium Dashboard

Apxium Default filters

The debtor search function allows you to easily sort through your debtors. You can inform your onboarding specialist of any additional filter options you need.

UK and North America

Debtor Aging

Apxium Dashboard

Apxium Default - 

Green - Updated

Yellow - Overdue

Red - Over 30 days overdue 

The debtor aging lets you know which debtors are performing or non-performing. You may let your onboarding specialist know about the desired aging for up-to-date and overdue debtors. 

UK and North America

Make payments screen layout (Client name, wording)

 Apxium Dashboard

Apxium Default layout

When you're on the payments screen, you have the option to take payments in two ways: over the phone or on the dashboard. To do this, simply select the debtor and click on "Make payments." You can also customize the layout to include the client's name and adjust the wording.

UK and North America

Add verbiage to the client Payment Portal Login Screen

 Apxium Dashboard

Apxium Default Layout

Adding verbiage to the payment portal login like brief explanations or disclaimers

UK and North America

Virtual POS

 Apxium Dashboard

Apxium Default Layout

You may request to change or add wordings, add boxes such as a box for client number and name, Add a place to enter information such as email addresses, and choose to send a payment confirmation to the client. 

UK and North America

Apx auto invoice timing (Direct Debit invoicing) 

 Apxium Dashboard

 7 days delay 

Let us know your desired number of days when the client's account would be auto-debited i.e. 8 days delay 

UK and North America

Office option to be added on the Invoices Menu

Apxium Dashboard

Apxium Default Options/Column

Add the office option on the invoices menu that would greatly help when extracting reports

UK and North America

/Pay Portal

Apxium Dashboard

Apxium Default Layout

Let us know if you would like to edit the verbiage on the pay portal. 

North America

Turn off/Remove Late fees column

Apxium Dashboard 


Let us know if you will be enabling the late fees or not.

North America

Apxium Dashboard debtor page headers

Apxium Dashboard

Apxium Default options

The debtor is the first thing that you'll see once you login to your Apxium dashboard. You now have the option to change the headers i.e. changing "Debtor Code" to "Account #"



Debtor Portal 

Configurable Item Description Default setting Description Region
Credit Card Processing fee on the debtor portal Debtor Portal Default CC processing fee - 3% You can adjust the credit card processing fee through the debtor portal. Simply specify your preferred processing fee on the page, and our onboarding specialist will handle the rest. UK and North America
Fee table and fee functionality on the debtor portal Debtor Portal Apxium Default Layout The Fees table and fees functionality are seen before proceeding with the payment.  Let us know how you would like the page to look like (adding buttons, layout, wording) North America
Select/view invoice page (wording and appearance)  Debtor Portal Apxium Default Layout The select/view invoice page may also be modified based on your liking. Examples would be adding a close button or the name of the debtor on the page itself.  UK and North America
Debtor portal page layout (Wording, Enabling/Disabling ACH/CC payments) Debtor Portal Apxium Default Layout The entire debtor portal page may also be modified. You may put additional messages under the payment portals. Change the layout or wording. Put additional contact details.  UK and North America
Remove/Add invoices and payments from the client's view Debtor Portal  Apxium Default - Past Invoices/payments showing Decide whether the invoices that were sent should show on the debtor portal North America
Zipcode check for cc Debtor Portal Default CC check verbiage Let us know if there is anything that we need to add
or the zip code check should be activated or not

North America



Configurable item


Default setting



Invoice Formats


Apxium Invoice Format - Default 

Provide which invoice format from your AP system you would like to use

UK and North America

Payment confirmation/Payment receipt (Wording and salutation) Communications Apxium Default Layout  Provide the wording or layout that you would like to have on the page. You may ask to modify wording such as salutations and add a simple breakdown of the fees. UK and North America
Payment Dishonoured emails (wording/hashing of payment info) Communications All information is shown/Default wording  Let us know how you would like the email to appear as well as information that should not be shown or be secured UK and North America
Invoice timing (delays) Communications Invoice Comms delay  - 1  Let us know the delay from which the invoices should be sent out UK and North America
PDF Invoices (watermark, wording, layout) Communications Default Apxium PDF invoice Provide the wording or layout that you would like to have on the page such as additional wordings or watermark on the pdf  UK and North America
Preferred email field in STAR (for comms) Communications Apxium Default  Let us know which field in Star should be the email source UK and North America
Statements customization Communications Apxium Default Layout Statements are sent to the clients who are past their due date. Let us know how you would like the page to look like. You may add wordings or change salutations UK and North America
Request to turn off failed payment email notification  Communications Apxium Default - ON Let us know whether you would like to use the failed payment email notification UK and North America
Turn the recipient's email address off for Payment confirmation Communications Enabled  Let us know if you need us to send an email notification for payment confirmation UK and North America