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  3. APX Auto (Direct Debiting Invoices)

APX Auto Debit Processing

APX Auto Debit Schedule

Australia: By default, the payment will be debited from the client's account on the invoice's due date. It can also be set to a specific number of days from the invoice date if required.

North America: Default - 7 days after the invoice date unless a specific number of days delay is requested.

The auto debit date can be moved further into the future but cannot be moved back in the past if the due date changes. 

This means if you change the APXAuto invoice due date in your accounting system to a future date, the system will move the debit date to the future debit date. 

APX Auto Payment Processing for Overdue Invoices

If an APX Auto theme is applied to an overdue invoice, the system will not take the payment the first night it sees an invoice. There will be +1 day to allow time for any adjustments to be put through before the payment actually happens.

For example:
A standard invoice has a due date of the 30th of October
APX Auto theme is applied on the 2nd of November
The main processor runs overnight (early morning of 3rd November) and the system recognizes it as APX Auto for the first time. APX Auto pay will not take effect yet

The system will process it when the main processor runs the next overnight (early 4th of November)


APX Auto Debit Report

An APX Auto Debit Report is generated monthly and is available in the Reports section of your dashboard.